Saturday 26 January 2008

Another Weekend @ Oban

OBAN...Like a theme park!
Hello there people!
Here goes another week gone in Oban. In fact, Scotland now is more rainy and less cold. Plus more winds! Now there are more floods and gale winds in fact. I hope we're approaching spring fast!

I am now doing my project. Phew. What a hassle. There's so much to write about and yet so little time. Anyway guys, here is the map on a theme park!
Went to Atlantis, (it's at the upper part of the map) Oban's recreational indoor park. They have swimming pools, squash courts, a climbing wall, snooker, a gym, a huge hall and they have exercise classes. I paid 4 pounds to this exercise class called circuits...hmm?

They make you run to and fro. Stop the time and like OSCE exams, make you go station to station of different exercise regimes every 5 minutes. And in every 15 minutes, the instructor will make you run and press up and sit up...and plus plus! PHEW>...already tired explaining.
Chinese New Year is coming...and I think I will have the coldest Chinese New Year ever. Anyway, I better get back to my project. :)

Monday 21 January 2008

Me blogging?

Must be horrendous! B-l-o-g-g-i-n-g. Letting people know your life. Letting your private life public? Hmm. Sounds like a great idea! And people sell autobiographies for loads of money. And Im doing it for free. Humble and not greedy?

Anyway, yeah. This is my first blog. And you won't believe where im blogging from; OBAN. Huh? Oban? does it sound middle east? or issit somewhere in russia? No.
It's in the West of Scotland. YYEEEHHAAA! the wild wild west! And its a great place. No namer...but a great place. You know why? Its great because it is nearly untouched by man. The natural scenery, snow capped mountains, the sea, the clear blue sky, the fresh air.

I bet you wanna see it eh? Yeah. I can't post any pictures today. The place is so "untouched", I have limited access to internet. If you wanna know, go to my partner blogger:

So yeah. Im typing from the hospital library (Lorne and Island District Hospital). In fact, the place is written in English and Gaelic. So hospital=ospadal in gaelic!

Anyways, the ambulance here is quite different by the sound.
In normal ambulances, the woooooooooooooooooooooooo sounds and the blue lights are significant.
Here, it goes: chuk chuk chuk chuk chuk chuk. And the lights are simmering!
What issit? Answers to be revealed. Get it right on your comments and win something!

Mylesson 1: Asthma Medications

What are the Steps for Asthma Medications?
Step 1: Occaional short acting inhaled B2 agonist. (yeah, salbutamol) If used>1 daily/night time symptoms: go to step 2.
Step 2: Add inhaled steroid: beclometasone/budesonide 100-400mcg/12h or fluticasone 50-200mcg/12h.
Step 3: Add long acting B2 agonist (salmeterol or formoterol). If inadequate control increase beclometasone to 400mcg/12h. If still no effect...stop long acting B2 agonists.
Step 4: Try this! Beclometasone up to 1000mcg/12h. Oral theophylline. oral B2 agonist. Leukotriene receptor antagonist (name two, answer below)
Step 5: Add Oral prednisolone. Refer to asthma clinic.Other medications to consider: Anticholinergics (Ipratropium), Cromoglycates (as prophylaxis for exercise induced asthma)

Remember: You can only have either COPD or Asthma

Other useful stuff: (in COPD)
Symbicort= budesonide + formeterol (BF)
Seretide= fluticasone + salmeterol (SF)

Answer for leukotriene receptor antagonist: montelukast & zafirlukast. Think StarWars: George Lucas